Creativity and Movement: Owls Come in Whimsical Packages

One of the things I love about teaching arts and crafts to children is the permission I am able to give myself to play and explore and see what happens.  This many times begins to spill into my 'big girl' paintings.  I see a lot of joy in each of these creations.  It reminds me that the outside package may continue to grow and change but you can choose to keep the inner light sparkling bright.

For this project, we used good old paper plates, markers, crayons, watercolors and construction.  Why don't you have a go as a meditation practice.  Quietly gather the supplies and find a quiet area to work and play.

Josey’s Art School is now
Offering art, yoga, drumming and rhythm, and hula hoop classes
  for details


Creativity and Movement: Working with Paper Cities


Creativity and Movement: The Plush Dolls are Here