Yoga and Vegan Recipes Day 1: Tomato Herb Omelet

When you finally decide to stop making excuses, MAGIC Happens...

I was 5 days into 2020 and ALREADY not meeting my resolution of yoga every day.  Why?  Obstacles.  It's ALWAYS about obstacles.  I would get an alert on my phone.  Why couldn't I just click the alert on my phone and start?  Because the screen is too small.  So I would wait, pull out my laptop, wait for it to boot.  Then scroll to my notifications and find the video, move the laptop to the location where my mat was and..... now can you see the POTENTIAL for ow many times I was diverted, distracted or just plain FORGOT what I was doing!!!! 

So I admit it.  Three days went by with NO yoga.  And then I had ENOUGH.  Leave the mat on the floor ready to go.  Stop it with needing a larger screen!  Just practice.


And now what to eat:

Image result for tomato herb omelet"

Tomato - Herb Omelet


4 eggs
1 tablespoon water or milk
10 cherry tomatoes, sliced in half (or 1-2 regular tomatoes, sliced)
2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
2 tablespoons minced fresh chives or green onions
1 tablespoon fresh thyme
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese (dairy or non dairy - optional)


Preheat a skillet over medium heat.  Beat eggs with water or milk until completely combined.  Coat pan lightly with oil or butter.  Pour in egg mixture.  Lay tomato slices evenly in egg mixture.  Sprinkle herbs and Parmesan cheese over top.  Cook until set.  Fold omelet in half as you remover from the pan.  

makes 2 servings
1 serving = 254 calories, 18 g protein, 7 g carbs, 17 g fat, 1 g fiber, 479 mg sodium


Yoga and Easy Vegan Recipes Day 2: Veggie Breakfast Burrito


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