Patchworks Houses and conversations about Community

Patchwork houses inspired by Art Bar Blog, from
 photo credit

Whether we are studying shapes or community helpers, the little never grow tired of talking about the place they call home.  Talking together and making decision in their art projects about what details they would like to be a part of their conversations is always super interesting.  

Over on this site, I have found a beautiful for you to create with your family or with a group of friends who want something fun and creative to pass the time.

Kids make patchwork houses with collage at a birthday party. 

a peek at a potential set up: photo credit 

Some materials to gather (links support Art Bar website)

Supply list:
~ Cardboard
~ Fabric scraps (or just cut up paper: old art, newspaper, colored paper, etc.)
~ Buttons (or any other collage bits and pieces)

How About Making Puffy Paper Hearts


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