If you had to choose your favorite Montessori practical life lessons…

The practical life section of a Montessori classroom is designed to help children develop practical skills and foster independence and I love the way students come into a space and feel connected instantly by the structure of this work.

Let’s discuss some tried and true favorite activities:

  1. Food Preparation: Simple food preparation activities, like slicing fruits or spreading butter on bread, teach children basic kitchen skills and encourage independence in preparing their own snacks.

  2. Lacing and Sewing: Children practice lacing and sewing on provided materials, such as cards or fabric, improving their fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, and concentration.

  3. Care of Animals: Children engage in activities like feeding fish or caring for classroom pets, learning about empathy, compassion, and responsibility towards living creatures.

  4. Grace and Courtesy: In this category, children learn polite greetings, table manners, how to take turns, and other social skills that promote respect and positive interactions with peers and adults.

It's important to note that the specific activities may vary depending on the materials available in each Montessori classroom, as well as the preferences and interests of the children.


A Note to Parents of Third Graders


A List of the Most Popular Montessori Practical Life Activities: part 2