The Value of a Personal Dictionary for your Child

As parents, we're always looking for ways to support our children's education and help them become more independent learners. Personal student dictionaries, often known as word books, are incredibly valuable tools for children in elementary school. By prioritizing these user-friendly tools at home, you can enhance your child's literacy skills and make learning more personalized. Here are 5 reasons why parents should encourage the use of personal student dictionaries at home.

1. Promotes Independence

One of the standout benefits of using personal student dictionaries is the boost in independence it gives children. Before introducing this tool, many parents find themselves assisting their children with spelling during homework sessions. This can be time-consuming and can take away from the valuable time spent on other aspects of learning.

With a personal dictionary at their fingertips, children can tackle spelling challenges on their own. When writing, parents can encourage their child to use the "GUM it" method: Guess, Underline, and Move on. Explain that while perfect spelling isn't necessary in a first draft, it's essential to capture the intended meaning.

2. Enhances Performance

Consistent use of personal dictionaries can lead to improvements in spelling, alphabetical order, and self-editing skills. Children often take pride in using their dictionaries to find or add words they're learning.

Instead of traditional weekly spelling tests, parents can encourage children to apply spelling and word work skills in their daily writing. Not all children will excel in spelling, but mastering editing and revising skills can make a significant difference.

3. Customizable for Different Abilities

Every child is unique, and their learning needs can vary greatly. Personal student dictionaries can be tailored to cater to these differences. Parents can create two versions of the dictionary: one for younger readers focusing on basic sight words and another for older readers with more advanced vocabulary.

Both versions can include spaces for children to add words that are personally relevant to them, making the dictionary even more valuable.

4. Encourages Vocabulary Growth

A new reason to consider personal student dictionaries is their ability to expand vocabulary. With the inclusion of a "Have a Go" page, children are encouraged to attempt spelling unknown words independently. This not only reinforces spelling skills but also introduces children to new vocabulary.

Parents can make this a fun activity by turning it into a game. Encourage your child to write down unfamiliar words they come across in their reading or daily life and then look them up together, adding them to their dictionary.

5. Facilitates Easy Use

Creating a personal student dictionary doesn't have to be complicated. As parents, you can make it easy to start by setting aside a little time to assemble the dictionary with your child. Start by finding a notebook or binder and dividing it into alphabetical sections. Then, let your child add words as they learn them.

By integrating personal student dictionaries into your child's learning routine, you're not only supporting their literacy development but also fostering independence, enhancing performance, and encouraging vocabulary growth. It's a simple yet effective way to make learning more personalized and enjoyable for your child.

Download your FREE personal dictionary - click the link below.


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